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Tanzania Peaberry Coffee - Whole Bean (1-lb) (1.0 lb)

Tanzania Peaberry Coffee - Whole Bean (1-lb) 1.0 lb

Regular price $11.90
Regular price Sale price $11.90
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Peaberry coffees render a flavor that is concentrated and offers a more lively cup, full body and distinguished aroma. The prized peaberry grade assure a coffee bean of high integrity and a roast of unmatched uniformity.

Harvested on the slopes of Mount Kilamanjaro near the Kenyan border, this gourmet African coffee displays many of the characteristics of Kenyan coffee, though much lighter in acidity Mount Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano in northern Tanzania, is the highest peak in Africa at 19,330 feet. Kilimanjaro's lower slopes provide fertile soil to grow Tanzania Peaberry Coffee, and the climate provides excellent conditions for coffee trees to thrive. Grown and harvested on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro near the Kenyan border, this gourmet African coffee displays many of the characteristics of Kenyan coffee, though much lighter in acidity. Peaberry beans are small, round coffee beans with a cleft in the middle; they have a richer flavor than their oval- shaped counterparts, often rendering a livelier cup with a full body and distinguished aroma. Peaberry coffee is rare; only 10% of all coffee develops with this characteristic. As a result, peaberry coffee beans must be hand-sorted from the rest. Experience a light-medium roasted coffee that is full of flavor! A heat sealed valve bag will ensure the freshest coffee. Your coffee will be fresh roasted the day it ships. Enjoy!