Bubble tea has been reaching around the world and is a popular choice for most tea lovers. The iconic tapioca pearls are one of the elements that make the drink a favorite for many. As time goes on, you see more and more takes on the boba ball craze. Today, we have many shapes, flavors, and textures to choose from when shopping for these bubble tea products. One such product that's gaining popularity are instant boba pearls.
Traditional Boba pearls require around 30 minutes of cooking time. Then they need to be simmered on a lower heat for 20 minutes more to give them their famous texture. Then you have cooling and setting times on top of all that. That's fine if you're heating up huge batches of boba balls to use later on. When time is crunched and you need to speed up the process, instant boba pearls are the go-to treats for your bubble tea drinks. These pearls are designed to be cooked in a 5-minute time period. You can easily cook up smaller batches of only what you need, instead of spending an hour or so getting large amounts of traditional boba balls ready for use.
Our line of instant tapioca pearls is a great addition for any café or home kitchen. Anyone can easily use them for their own bubble tea recipes or other sweet treats. No more wasting products or spending long time periods over a hot stove. Cook these 5-minute boba pearls quickly and get the tea drink you've been craving. Boba Tea Direct has everything you need when it comes to bubble tea supplies. Rely on us to provide you with the highest-quality products at the most affordable prices. Browse our website and see what creations you can cook up with the supplies we offer in our online store.