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Bag of Non-Dairy Creamer (2.7 lb)

Bag of Non-Dairy Creamer 2.7 lb

Regular price $9.00
Regular price Sale price $9.00
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Keeping every customer happy with the available choices is important for any business. As a substitute to dairy-based creamers, non-dairy creamers have been accepted and become a part of the consuming public's taste. With good quality non-dairy creamer, you are sure to attract dedicated customers who do not want to have dairy-based products in their drinks. It has a longer shelf-life than dairy creamers, and can be used as a substitute for milk in some recipes.

Unit Sold By: 1 Bag (42.3oz per bag)



Glucose, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil, Dipotassium Phosphate, Sodium Caseinate, Mono and Diglyceride of Fatty Acid, Sodium Aluminosilicate

*Product image may vary due to different packaging design, product remains the same as described.